Winning IRL: Online legend Niklas Astedt makes Main Event final table

Niklas Astedt playing the $10K Main Event in Las Vegas this summer
Adam Hampton playing at the 2024 WSOP
Adam Hampton
Posted on: July 15, 2024 09:01 PDT

For online poker players of any stakes, the handle ‘Lena900’ is a familiar one. Not because it’s one you’re likely to see grinding it out in the micros, but because it’s a name that crops up with unusual regularity in the winners’ reports.

According to the tracking site, Lena900 is estimated to have clocked up an astounding $48 million in online tournament winnings, with multi-million dollar scores across the biggest sites including PokerStars, partypoker, GGPoker and more.

This summer, the man behind the online legend is in Las Vegas and looking to make a splash in the world of live tournament poker. Niklas Astedt is his name, and he’s currently poised to make a bid for the title of poker’s World Champion.

Ahead of Tuesday’s final table, we were among a number of poker journalists who talked to Astedt after the final nine players were confirmed.

How are you feeling after such a long grind?

It’s a piece of cake compared to SCOOP [PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker], which can be 40 days of 20 tables.

People saying ‘this is a marathon’ should try playing 20 tables for 40 days during SCOOP, that’s what I say!

You have won a lot online. What does the money mean to you in such a prestigious tournament, in such a historic poker city like Las Vegas?

I’d be happy to book a win in Vegas, first of all. I mean, I’m always going for more money, but I want first place.

We'll see you on Tuesday for the final table. Of those at the final table, Astedt's name is the one most poker fans will be familiar with.

What will you be doing on your day off?

I’m going to be taking a lot of calls. People will come out here, we’re just going to go for dinner and take it easy.

If you were giving someone else advice for this final table, what would you tell them? Previously you said to take it one hand at a time - it’s cliche but it’s true. Is that what you’ve stuck to?

Before today [Day 8] at least, that was my plan. Today I came in with a plan to fire a little bit more, to place myself in a reasonable position to win this tournament. Other than that, it’s still true.

So it’s not so much about payjumps and ICM as much as winning the tournament?

Up until this point, yes, I mean we’ll see at the final table. I’m not going to do anything stupid just to win, but yeah my eyes are set for the first prize for sure.

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