Win! A copy of Alex Fitzgerald's ‘How to Beat Players Who Never Fold’

How To Beat Players Who Never Fold
Adam Hampton playing at the 2024 WSOP
Adam Hampton
Posted on: August 29, 2024 14:57 PDT

You’ve probably been there. A table full of players who refuse to fold, won’t ‘respect your raises’ and are impossible to put on a hand because there doesn’t seem to be a combo they don’t like.

You, on the other hand, take the game seriously, think carefully about your play and even read poker strategy books. So why do they have the big stacks while you’re clinging on waiting for a big hand - one that you half-expect will lose when they river two-pair with their 8-5 offsuit?

If you’re looking for an answer to this question, as well as tips on how to regularly beat this type of game, here’s some good news: Alex ‘Assassinato’ Fitzgerald can help with his new book, How to Beat Players Who Never Fold: Succeeding In Casino Poker Tournaments And Low Stakes Home Games.

And here's more good news: you can win a copy for free, courtesy of PokerOrg!

All you have to do is follow the instructions in the tweet below. Make sure you're following PokerOrg on X, then like and retweet the tweet and reply with the word 'Fold!'.

We’ll pick five readers at random to receive a free copy on August 31st at 2pm ET. If you’re in the USA or UK, you can choose between the paperback or digital editions; non-US/UK winners will receive the ebook.

A great combination of psychology and practical advice

There’s a psychological aspect to beating ‘no fold’em’ games, and Fitzgerald’s book does a great job in explaining how to approach them without tilt or frustration, as well as why players in these games play the way they do.

What elevates this book, however, is the way it also gives you practical, actionable advice you can use straight away. Not only does it help you understand the situations and dynamics that arise, it gives you the tools to control them. You’ll learn why people play certain ways, and also how to exploit those motivations.

Chapters focus on player archetypes, multiway and heads-up pots, low-stakes cash games, casino tournaments, home games and more.

If you’re regularly playing in the nosebleeds, this might not be the book for you. But for the other 99.9% of the poker-playing population, Fitzgerald’s book is one we seriously recommend.

 It's not just a great strategy book either; it's a compelling read. Not many poker strategy books are page-turners, but Fitzgerald's new book is precisely that.

Read our exclusive extract now for a taste.

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