The Showdown: Kurganov, Koon, Comeskey and Casino King

Adam Hampton playing at the 2024 WSOP
Adam Hampton
Posted on: January 19, 2025 05:50 PST

A lot can happen in 80 seconds.

You can blend a smoothie. A competitive eater could eat 11 hot dogs. It’s time enough to make a coffee, some toast and some very underdone boiled eggs*.

It’s also enough time to get yourself an instant update on all the ups, downs and all-arounds from the poker world this week, courtesy of PokerOrg’s Sarah Herring.

So if you want to keep up with the week’s shenanigans, look no further than the quick video above. Hit play now, and strap in.

What’s up?

In this week’s breakneck episode of The Showdown we take a speedy look at:

  • The most stressed Igor Kurganov gets in his poker career (and it has nothing to do with him playing)
  • Jason Koon’s great idea for an old school live poker tour, with the emphasis very much on ‘old’
  • Caitlin Comeskey’s move to a new home - wherever it is
  • Probably one of the dumbest questions Vanessa Selbst has ever answered on camera

We also see content creator Casino King attempt to answer that eternal, curious riddle of the Las Vegas desert: 'How much does a guy need to gamble to get a free room around here?'

All this and more, faster than it takes your Pop-Tarts to pop. Enjoy.

You can catch the previous episode of The Showdown right here.

*I should have had breakfast before writing this.

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