Robbi Jade Lew releases polygraph results

Haley Hintze Author Photo
Haley Hintze
Posted on: October 16, 2022 12:34 PDT

Rabia "Robbi" Jade Lew, the Hustler Casino Live cash-game participant who was alleged by fellow player Garrett Adelstein to have cheated him to win a $269,000 pot, has released the results of a lie-detector (polygraph) test that she believes clears her of Adelstein's claims.

Lew took the test late last week at Las Vegas Polygraph & Investigation, then posted the printed polygraph report on her Twitter account. (The three-page report can be seen on images two, three, and four of the Tweet below.)

"It is the opinion of the examiner Rabia Lew was being truthful to the investigation target questions during testing," read the report by the examiner, James C. Hannah. The report also stated, "The statistical probability that Mrs. Lew's test data was produced by a deceptive person is less than 1/10th of 1 percent (p-value <.001) or about 1 chance in 1000."

The results were based on Lew's responses to three target questions inserted near the end of a series of about three dozen control questions designed to calibrate Lew's truthfulness response range. The three target questions were:

  • "Were you using any cheating devices while engaged in the Hustler Casino Live poker games?"
  • "Did you cheat in any way during the Hustler Casino Live poker games?"
  • "Did you conspire with anyone during the Hustler Casino Live poker game to cheat?"

Lew answered "No" to all three target questions.

The lie-detector test administered to Lew was done on a computerized Lafayette polygraph system. Lafayette is the global market leader in polygraph devices and is generally regarded as providing highly accurate results, despite the discovery of a significant glitch in an earlier Lafayette system's testing processes about a decade ago. Lie-detector results are highly indicative but are not infallible and are not generally admissible as evidence of innocence or guilt in a court of law.

Some curiosities about Lew's test remain. Lew did not take the test where she lives, in greater Los Angeles, and also where the Gardena, CA, Hustler Casino and the HCL game occurred is located. Instead, she traveled several hours to Las Vegas to take the test, which was arranged on her behalf by her PR handlers, Ericho Communications. Lew also did not appear to avail herself of the opportunity to undergo an even more reliable polygraph test offered to her by Maverick Casinos LLC owner Eric Persson.

Meanwhile, the third-party investigation into the alleged cheating and the security of the Hustler Casino Live streams continues. HCL owners Nick Vertucci and Ryan Feldman have stated that the investigation is likely to take several weeks to complete.

Featured image source: Hustler Casino Live

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