Rob Kuhn stops fast, accepts $25k buy-out & moves in with Shaun Deeb

Dave Woods
Posted on: April 10, 2024 09:32 PDT

We've been following Rob Kuhn's 30-day water fast prop bet closely. Just yesterday, Kuhn was in great spirits, at the halfway point and, in his own words, "Waiting to collect." What a difference a day makes. 

The fast is now over. Kuhn has accepted a $25k buy-out from Shaun Deeb and, in a crazy twist, has moved in with him and his family to get healthy the, erm, healthy way. 

In the video he says that he still thinks the bet would be easy to complete, but acknowledges that he has a responsibility to others, and doesn't want to spawn copycat fasts that might have bad results for the people involved. 

He also said he met Shaun Deeb's wife in Costa Rica recently and said that she was very worried for his health. Kuhn lost 25 pounds in total during the 16 days of his fast.

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"While I still think this bet is rather easy, and I could definitely finish the 30 days," Kuhn says in his video, "I want to just do it the healthy way. I'm going to be living with Deeb and using his trainer, and doing this the proper way going forward."

He added: "This is not the way to lose weight guys... You really need to do your research on these things. I'm not a doctor but I was very, very strict about my blood tests. Everything is perfect, there's nothing wrong, but I'm more excited to take that next step forward."

Deeb replied on Twitter saying, "I am so happy you got so far and even happier you taking @crashleydeeb offer to come to the house and do it the right way. No better WSOP prep than will will happen in the Deeb household for the next 6 weeks."

Our very own health guru TJ Jurkiewicz is also happy that the fast is over early, tweeting: "Major props because I was seriously worried this would trigger a lot of people to do month-long fasts. Congrats on going down the right path to doing this the sustainable way."

If you want to prepare for the WSOP the right way and get your game in peak condition 'the right way', check out TJ Jurkiewicz's eight-week plan right here on PokerOrg. 

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