Landon Tice vlog debuts on Joey Ingram's YouTube channel

Poker writer Geoff Fisk profile photo
Geoff Fisk
Posted on: August 22, 2020 12:31 PDT

Tice and Ingram break down hands from a high-stakes session at the Bellagio

Add "poker vlogger" to the list of Landon Tice's accomplishments in his short time in the poker world.

The 21-year-old Tice made his debut in the vlogosphere Tuesday, with the debut episode of the Landon Tive vlog going live on Joey Ingram's YouTube channel. The episode, subtitled as "$10/$20/$40 Poker VLOG", details hands from Tice's recent trip to the Bellagio poker room.

Ingram and Tice collaborate to discuss hands from the high-stakes sessions at the legendary Las Vegas venue. According to Tice, the session quickly turns into a $20/$40/$80 session, as the Bellagio high-stakes regulars put out straddles and raise the game to the highest stakes Tice has ever played.

Tice has stormed onto the poker scene in 2020, with regular updates on the 200NL and 500NL online games that make up the bulk of his poker workload. Tice's poker journey has started to include trips to Las Vegas in recent months, with the aim of playing in more live games.

Tice also played several events on the US side of the WSOP Online 2020 series.

Jumping into the deep end

The very first hand Tice and Ingram dissect happened in three-handed play, in a game that started as a $5/$10 game but escalated to the blinds becoming $20/$40. The button put out a straddle for $80, and a Russian female player who had just sat down at the game made a blind raise to $230.

This small blind player entered the game with $20,000 on the table. Facing the blind $230 raise, Tice looked down at K♠9♦️ in the big blind. Tice raised to $720 and the small blind called.

The flop came out a favorable K❤️9♠5♠ for Tice, putting him in position to potentially win a massive pot with top two pair. Facing a check, Tice bets $500 into the $1,520 pot and gets a call.

The small blind leads out for $2100 on the 3♦️ turn, and Tice waits for a while, then shoves for his remaining $8,600. The hand takes a bizarre turn after that, as Tice's opponent contemplates her next move.

"She asked me to flip a card," Tice says in the vlog. "I've never been in that situation in my entire life."

Tice decides to show the opponent the K♠, and she eventually folds 53 offsuit face-up. Tice takes in the $4,620 pot in a hand that gives viewers a glimpse of how the high-stakes games go down at the Bellagio.

Is he the next Tom Dwan?

Ingram posted the vlog on his YouTube account Tuesday, with the official title of "Is He The Next Tom Dwan??" Tom 'durrrr' Dwan emerged on the poker scene as a 21-year-old in 2007, playing in the highest-stakes games on Full Tilt Poker and eventually becoming synonymous with the Full Tilt brand.

The online poker landscape that Tice navigates in 2020 is vastly different than the poker-boom days of 2007. Tice has gone to work in a much tougher era of online poker, detailing his rise through the stakes on his Twitter account, as well as the Landon's Poker Journey blog.

Tice's foray into high-stakes live poker games in Las Vegas makes for fascinating vlog material. Tice continues to progress as a rising star in the modern era of poker.

The incredible 2020 run for Tice continued with a heads-up match against Doug Polk Wednesday, as Polk returns to poker and takes on opponents in heads-up matches, preparing for an eventual heads-up challenge against Daniel Negreanu.

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