Hellmuth throws mic, vows never to film with player again after big TV bust-up

Dave Woods
Posted on: August 1, 2024 01:21 PDT

High Stakes Poker might be PokerGO's biggest brand name, but sister show No Gamble No Future has the biggest players at the moment – and by far the biggest blow-ups.

Two of these generally go together, and it was Phil Hellmuth who put aside his new softer side last night and went full-on Poker Brat before storming off the set and vowing never to film with one of the players again. Hellmuth was the star of the show, with Nik Airball, Alan Keating, Jean-Robert Bellande, Ryan Feldman, Matt Hanks and Humboldt Mike making up a juicy line-up. 

Things started off well for Hellmuth. He called a $2,500 raise from Humboldt Mike with and went four-way to the flop. Keating had picked up top pair with and the action checked around to the turn.

Keating bet $6,000 and just Hellmuth called with his open-ended straight draw. He completed that with the river, which also gave Keating two pair. Hellmuth raised Keating's $3,000 bet to $12,000, and Keating smiled and said, "At least it's going to a good cause," before flicking the call in.

Then the wheels started coming off. Slow-playing kings led Hellmuth to a confrontation with Keating on a board. Hellmuth had rivered top set but was beaten by any diamond. Keating had the and moved all-in for Hellmuth's remaining $57,400.

"You've run so good against me for so many years," he muttered before Keating showed him the . Hellmuth found the fold. 

3... 2... 1... Take-off for the Poker Brat

Feldman was next to stick the knife in, winning both runouts with queens against A-K after all the money ($109,400) went in preflop.

The first board dropped , which led to Feldman saying, "Guys, you're five cards away from a Phil Hellmuth rant." Those five cards obliged, coming out .  

"Give me 30," Hellmuth said, before adding, "F*****g morons running like this against me; it’s unbelievable. I think you’ve won the last five times you won both boards when we had A-K vs. queens. I really thought today was the day you were going to give it to me."

He wasn't finished there. "F**k you, Ryan. It’s not even fun playing against you, Ryan. The weird s**t you get away playing with. 'Let's just call $52,000 hoping Phil has A-K... let's hope we're flipping'."

Humboldt Mike then made what seemed like an innocuous and random remark, but one that was seemingly linked with Hellmuth's prior affiliation with crypto Bitcoin Latinum: "You want me to send you an address?" He wouldn't get away with it a second time. 

Humboldt Mike on No Gamble No Future Humboldt Mike on No Gamble No Future
Antonio Abrego

"I asked you not to do that s**t"

His opportunity came when all the money went in between the two of them. Hellmuth had and Humboldt Mike had .

They ran it once with the flop putting a smile on Hellmuth's face. The turn gave his opponent more outs and the river gave Humboldt Mike top set and license to go for the jugular.

"Phil, I've got an address if you need to send some."

And that was that. 

"Buddy... I told you... alright, you want me to quit? Okay, I'm going to f*****g quit. I can't play with you anymore. You're such an a*****e. I don't mind losing the flip; I really don't, but I asked you not to do that s**t. You have been more out of line to me than any other f*****g person. I don't know who you f*****g are but I'm never going to film with you again."

Bellande tried to cool things down, but Hellmuth was done. "I don't give a f**k, JRB," Helmuth said as he threw his mic down violently onto the table and over the dealer's shoulder. 

"I wasn't talking about what you think I was talking about," Humboldt Mike protested. "I was saying I had chips if you needed chips."

After the walk-off, Hellmuth turned to Twitter to make an apology of sorts.

There were some players who had sympathy for him, though, including PokerOrg Player Advisory Board member Joey Ingram.

You can watch the full episode of No Gamble No Future on PokerGO.