'Being a woman in poker was very different' – Lexy Gavin-Mather

Lexy Gavin-Mather at the World Series of Poker.
Matt Hansen
Matt Hansen
Posted on: June 21, 2024 17:14 PDT

For Lexy Gavin-Mather, a poker career isn’t just a list of Hendon Mob cashes or RunGood Poker Series rings — even if she has her share of both. Her two RGPS titles and over $600K in tournament cashes are just the beginning of the list of experiences in poker. She’s been a TV host, a coach, a cash game whiz, and she has a YouTube channel where she hosts a vlog of her life on the poker grind.

But Gavin-Mather’s latest adventure is her new book, Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Tournaments. It’s a project born out of a passion for learning about poker and the desire to share those lessons with new and beginning players. It’s written for the recreational player who might be ready for their first daily tournament, or even as a primer for your first WSOP. 

PokerOrg caught up with Gavin-Mather at the WSOP and she was quick to talk about the teachers in her poker life. 

'All the O.G. legends'

“I was really lucky to have an amazing team of mentors when I first started playing poker.” 

Gavin-Mather went on to list names like WSOP Main Event champion Greg Merson and the late, great Rich Lyndaker. 

“(WSOP bracelet winner) Ankush Mandavia was one of my roommates. I had a really solid foundation. Christian Harder, Tony Gregg, all the O.G. legends helped teach me poker.”

Gavin-Mather has had to adapt her game as she's become better known on the circuit Gavin-Mather has had to adapt her game as she's become better known on the circuit Joe Giron/Poker.org

It has all led to a well-rounded approach to the game and to a teaching method that is accessible to everyone. The collection of master teachers has also created a well-rounded poker player in Gavin-Mather who crushes tournaments and cash games

'Being a woman in poker was very different'

“I’ve done a pretty good job of taking away the GTO aspects from the O.G. grinders and playing an exploitative style based on being a woman in poker.

When I first started, being a woman in poker was very different to what it is now. I used to be able to get away with a lot more at the tables. People would give me more credit when bluffing and I was getting a lot of my bluffs through.”

That has all changed as Gavin-Mather has become more recognizable in the poker community as an accomplished player and coach. 

“I’ve found I’ve had to make some adjustments and play a little bit more of a trappy style because I’m not getting as many bluffs through. It’s interesting how it has changed over the years for me.”

'Take things slow'

So, what would be the most useful piece of advice Gavin-Mather would have for someone who read her book and wants to take their shot at the WSOP?

Take things slow and focus on the chapters I wrote about exploiting different opponents. You’re going to see a lot of different characters here at the World Series from the GTO Robots to the people just coming in for a vacation week.”

As for Gavin-Mather, she’s off to a strong start this summer. 

I'm having a blast. I’ve had four or five cashes so far.”

She’s also having a great time grinding out content for her YouTube channel. 

“It’s a lot of work but it’s also a lot of fun. I get to meet a lot of people who are watching and appreciate the vlog and it’s really rewarding.”