Isaac Haxton takes control on Day 2 of PLO Super High Roller Bowl

Mo Afdhal
Posted on: October 17, 2023 19:36 PDT

The Super High Roller Bowl: $100,000 Pot-Limit Omaha marks the highest-ever buy-in for a PLO tournament.

As such, the event brought out many of the big guns of the format. Laszlo 'omaha4rollz' Bujtas, a legendary online PLO player, made the trip. Jan-Peter Jachtmann, a German player known for his PLO cash game exploits, took his talents to the PokerGO Studio. Eelis Parssinen, the Finnish online phenom, brought his online style to the live streets.

The reason? Simple: they want to play the biggest PLO tournament ever hosted. To these guys, it was unmissable. The crazy part? They're all out. That's how tough the field assembled is.

There are no spots, no weaker players handing out gift-wrapped chip stacks. It's a small field, only 38 entrants, but every one of them battle tested and proven in the arena.

They're there for the glory. And, with $1,292,000 for the win, the money doesn't hurt.

Bleznick slides, Haxton separates from the field

Jared Bleznick took the largest stack into Day 2 play and did well to weather the swings throughout. The cards weren't there for him quite like they were on Day 1, but Bleznick did well to tread water and maintain his stack for most of the day. Towards the end, a clash with Isaac Haxton saw his stack dip down a bit towards the middle of the pack.

Bleznick managed to finish the day with just under two million chips after scoring the elimination that burst the money bubble.

Super High Roller Bowl PLO
Antonio Abrego

Haxton, meanwhile, found all the right cards towards the end of the day. In similar fashion to his outing at Super High Roller Bowl VIII, Haxton laid the hammer down on Day 2, winning pot after pot to grow his stack well beyond his nearest competitors'. There were stumbles along the way--Haxton's stack dropped as low as 700,000 at one point--but a rush of big hands, coupled with payoffs from his opponents, brought a pile of chips to rest in front of him.

Knockouts come quick

The eliminations came in a flurry at first, bringing the field from 17 down to 11. From there, however, the looming money bubble slowed play and the eliminations grew far and few between.

John Riordan fell first after getting his chips in as a favorite with pocket aces against Haxton. In PLO, however, hand equities run close and Haxton's hand had enough to score the knockout.

Andriy Lyubovetskiy made his exit in sixteenth place when his six-high straight ran into the seven-high straight of 2022 WSOP Main Event final tablist Michael Duek.

Brian Rast, newly-inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame, would bow out next. Rast squared off against Isaac Kempton in a pot that saw him commit his chips on the turn with top pair, plus straight and flush outs to boot. Kempton's set of tens held to eliminate Rast in fifteenth place.

Shortly after, Chris Brewer's trip eights fell to the full house of Stephen Chidwick. Brewer's hand wasn't dead when the money went in with outs to a higher full house, plus the case eight to make quads. The river failed to deliver for Brewer, however, and his day ended with a fourteenth place finish.

Lou Garza, winner of the $10k PLO Championship at this year's WSOP, certainly hoped to follow up on his title in the four-card streets with a win in this event. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be as he got his chips in against Kempton in a spot that seemed likely to end in a chop. Both players flopped top two pair, but the runout improved Kempton to a wheel, eliminating Garza in thirteenth place.

Laszlo Bjutas started the day with just 16,000 chips, good for two big blinds. Improbably, he managed to double up several times, nearly hobbling back to a starting stack. The Hungarian couldn't stay hot indefinitely, however, as his rivered two pair ran into Chidwick's superior two pair. Bujtas' run ended in a twelfth place finish.

Alex Foxen would take his leave next, falling to Duek in a pot that saw him commit his chips in a coin flip scenario. Foxen's flopped two pair couldn't hold against Duek's flush draw and the river failed to improve him to a full house, ending his day in eleventh place.

The bubble looms, play slows

With the money bubble on the near horizon, players on the shorter stacks tightened up their ranges and gave added consideration to their pre-flop hand selections.

Still, sometimes in PLO there's just no getting away from a hand. Whether it's a draw to the nuts or an already-made hand, there are numerous spots in PLO where the action becomes forced.

Ben Tollerene, who started the day sitting second in the chip counts, faced a rough start to the outing. Twice, he doubled up Bujtas on the short stack. Neither pot crippled Tollerene's stack, but the momentum he gained on Day 1 evaporated. From there, the chips continued to flow away from Tollerene.

The knockout punch came from Chino Rheem, whose recent hot streak in the PokerGO Studio continued in this hand. The action checked to the turn in a three-way pot and Tollerene opted to lead out, having turned a set of fours. Rheem raised to the pot-limit and the two players committed their chips. Tollerene found himself in good shape with his set and superior flush draw, but the river delivered Rheem's straight draw. Tollerene would have to settle for a tenth place finish.

Duek seemed to be in cruise control for most of the day, amassing chips left and right as he ascended up the counts. Then, the turbulence arrived and the smooth sailing was over. Duek's chip count shriveled until he found himself as one of the short stacks. Duek's elimination came not long after, at the hands of the chip leader. The three-bet pot saw Haxton out-flop Duek's aces, making two pair, with an open-ended straight draw for good measure. The chips went in there and then, with Duek drawing slim. The turn and river bricked off, ending Duek's run in ninth place.

Negreanu bubbles after strong start on Day 1

Daniel Negreanu ended up as the unlucky bubble boy after struggling to cobble together meaningful pots throughout the day. Despite a strong performance on Day 1, Negreanu was unable to keep up the momentum and the cards just didn't fall the right way for him.

Super High Roller Bowl PLO
Antonio Abrego

The final blow came courtesy of Bleznick in a limped pot which saw both players flop sets. Negreanu's set of sixes were no match for Bleznick's set of jacks and the Canadian would need serious help to survive. The turn card brought straight outs to go along with the case six, but the river bricked off and Negreanu's day ended just shy of the money in eighth place.

The Super High Roller Bowl: Pot-Limit Omaha plays down to a winner on Wednesday, with players returning to blind level 10,000/20,000/20,000.

The action continues at 12:00pm PT with the stream going live one hour later on both PokerGO and their YouTube channel.

The full replay of today's coverage remains available to watch on YouTube, check it out below!

Final table seat draw and chip counts

Seat Player Country Chip Count
1 Frank Crivello United States 800,000
2 Chino Rheem United States 1,100,000
3 Jared Bleznick United States 1,965,000
4 Stephen Chidwick United Kingdom 1,360,000
5 Aaron Katz United States 680,000
6 Isaac Haxton United States 4,495,000
7 Isaac Kempton United States 995,000

All Images Courtesy of PokerGO