1 bullet
2 rings
3 hundred thousand (and then some) bills
Tyler Barnes' strategy to "fold 25% less" seems to be a winning formula
Feb 26
1 bullet
2 rings
3 hundred thousand (and then some) bills
Tyler Barnes' strategy to "fold 25% less" seems to be a winning formula
Feb 26
The third and final day of the $1,700 Main Event returned 19 players at noon and it was a long battle for the players at the final table. During four-handed play, Tyler Barnes opened up a chip lead that proved to be insurmountable. He knocked out every player at the final table and won his second career WSOPC ring, a seat to the 2024 Tournament of Champions and $383,856.
Barnes also eclipsed his career best cash by almost ten-fold. "It feels great to win," Barnes said. "I'd like to give a shoutout to Ryan D'Angelo for coaching and supporting me through this."
Barnes was in for a single bullet! Check out what he had to say in his post win interview in full.
David Yue won his first ring earlier in the week in Event #2 and was short stacked for much of the final table. He found A♠ J♦ to stick it in with, but Barnes had him out-kicked with A♥Q♥. Yue didn't improve and Barnes picked up another elimination.
Andrew Moreno got coolered out of the tournament when he four-bet shoved with pocket jacks and Barnes woke up with kings. The board ran out queen-high and Barnes knocked out his fourth consecutive player.
The remaining players went to the dinner break five-handed and Barnes was just shy of holding half the chips in play. After they returned, Adam Hendrix shoved preflop with A♣Q♣ and Barnes called with pocket nines. The board ran K♠ J♣6♥ 3♣ 2♥, Hendrix missed his draws and was eliminated.
Wang was at the turn of a Q♦9♦2♥ Q♠ board when Barnes bet enough to put Wang all in. He tanked, called with pocket kings and saw bad news when Barnes had Q♣10♣ for trips. The river came J♠ and Wang was eliminated
Hawkins was looking to break his three-way tie of second place of WSOPC rings with fifteen. But he was under ten big blinds for a good bit before he made a final stand holding A♦10♣. Barnes made two pair with J♦9♥ and he was ready for heads-up play.
The battle lasted a single hand when they went to a limped flop of Q♦9♥6♥. Gilbert moved all in and Barnes snap-called. Gilbert paired his queen with Q♠ J♥ and Barnes was drawing live with 7♠6♦. The board completed 5♠ 8♥, Barnes made a straight and the event was over.
Dale Roesel, Ryan D'Angelo and Matthew Osorio all made the final two tables. Fikret Kovac, Leif Force, Richard Seymour, Ricky Ali and Jonathan Hilton finished in the top 50. Marshall White, Kelly Andrews, Roland Israelashvili, Preston McEwen and Hamid Izadi all turned in Day 2 cashes.
The WSOP Circuit picks up and heads north to the Horseshoe Hammond outside Chicago. They have 16 official ring events beginning February 29th-March 11th and a Main Event with a $1 million guarantee.
Final Table Results
Feb 26
Heads-up play between Zak Gilbert and Tyler Barnes wasn't a long affair. They saw a limped flop for their first hand that came Q♦9♥6♥. Gilbert moved in and Barnes called.
Barnes: 7♠6♦
Gilbert: Q♠J♥
The board ran out 5♠8♥, Barnes made a straight and Gilbert settled for second place.
Tyler Barnes - 66,360,000
Zak Gilbert - Eliminated in 2nd place ($237,856)
A complete recap will be posted later tonight!
Feb 26
Hawkins; A♦10♣
Gilbert: 9♦8♦
Barnes: J♦9♥
Hawkins was eliminated and his words, "He was denied his 16th WSOPC ring," as he exited the stage.