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LoriAnn Persinger

How do you think men play differently against women?

Asked on Nov 12 2024

From my personal experience, the main difference that I see is that some--but definitely not all--men have issues with taking their ego out of the game when they play against women. They can’t stand the thought of losing to, getting bluffed by, or just flat out getting outplayed by a woman, so they will call extra-light and/or berate her play when losing the hand, especially if she has raised or three-bet with a hand he wasn’t expecting. I have personally been berated for raising and/or three-betting with suited connectors, suited gappers, and suited paint-rag when other men at the table have done the exact same thing. Occasionally I’ll push back, but usually, I just smile to myself because their old-school way of thinking that women, especially older women, are only raising with premium hands is definitely something that I’ve learned to take advantage of at the tables.