Commentator and PokerStars ambassador James Hartigan
James Hartigan

What is the worst fictional poker scene ever filmed?

Asked on Oct 3 2024

It’s on the series The Good Ship Murder in the episode “At Sea.” The idea is that there is a character, Jack Grayling, who is a former police detective who decided to have a career change midway through his life and become the lounge singer on a cruise ship.

Conveniently, as there is a murder every single week on this cruise ship, he gets to actually solve crimes as well as sing songs, aided by the first officer Kate, who as far as I can tell, has absolutely no experience or police training. But he probably needs that help because, despite being a detective, he doesn’t know the difference between blood and ketchup. The episode involves the cruiseliner hosting a high-stakes poker tournament because…and I can’t say this without laughing…poker is the new rock and roll. 

We needed Jonathan Little to join us on Poker in the Ears to analyze the scene for us.